Special Line

Ciprofloxacina LA

Broad spectrum antibacterial eye drops, healing, long-acting agent.

Optimal coverage and lubrication of the eyeball in a single drop.

Powerful anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, and lubricating qualities. It promotes corneal ulcer healing without scarring (cloudy scars). Thanks to its composition and viscosity, a single drop will cover the entire eyeball, forming an additional protective layer which will last 24 hours. It will also maintain humidity and distributes the active ingredient in a perfectly homogeneous way, thus achieving greater success and adherence to the treatment.


0,30 grams

A broad-spectrum fluoroquinolone with no epithelial toxicity which targets gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms responsible for ocular infections.

Chondroitin sulfate A
20,00 grams

Stimulates and organizes corneal repair, improves wound-healing, and preserves the ocular surface’s natural moisture and transparency. Inhibits the proteolytic enzymes that are present during inflammation as well as those produced by several bacteria. Thanks to its ability to fix and retain water, it moisturizes, lubricates, and oxygenates the conjunctiva and the corneal epithelium.


Corneal ulcers. Bacterial conjunctivitis. Contaminated keratitis. Anterior chamber lesions and/or infections. Lacrimal insufficiency.

Posology and method of administration

Instill one drop in the affected eye every 24 hours. The product may be used at shorter intervals according to professional criteria.


Dropper bottle with 5 ml of ophthalmic solution.

Special Line


MAXIMUM PROTECTION FOR THE LIVER. 100% natural origin oral hepatoprotector supplement.
Antioxidant, detoxifying agent, cellular regenerator, antitoxic.


0,6 grams

Natural antioxidant from milk thistle (Silybum marianum), leukotriene inhibitor and activator of cell regeneration. Its main action is to stabilize and protect the cell membrane, which is fundamental for the two types of cells that constitute the functional structure of the liver: Hepatocytes: They are responsible for the endocrine and exocrine function of the liver. By protecting their membranes, it prevents them from losing cellular elements (GPT, GOT, and others) and their death by bursting. Macrophages of the reticuloendothelial system: They are in charge of phagocytizing the elements that penetrate from the intestine through the portal vein and are aggressive towards the organism.

DL – Methionine
8,00 grams

It is a sulfur amino acid involved in various metabolic processes related to the synthesis compounds that are important for good muscle performance. It is vital for the metabolism of triglycerides present in liver cells which, when phosphorylated by lipotropic factors, can be used as energy material. It fosters the elimination of different types of toxins.

Choline Bitartrate
8,00 grams

A lipotropic agent that is essential to fatty acid metabolism. It promotes the conversion of hepatic fat into phospholipids, which are transferred more rapidly from liver to blood.


For acute and chronic hepatitis. Colic syndrome. In infectious states and gastrointestinal syndromes of diverse origin. In all cases in which medications that compromise the hepatic parenchyma and therefore its function are administered (antibiotics, tranquilizers, antifungal agents, anesthetics, antiparasitics, contraceptives, corticoids). In biochemical alterations of the hepatogram. In accidental intoxications with pesticides or other toxics.

Posology and method of administration

Oral administration. The suggested dose for equines is 20 ml a day.


500 ml syrup bottle.


  • 100% natural origin liver protector. It has no contraindications or cumulative drug effects.
  • It regenerates the liver parenchyma.
  • Prevents hepatocytes congestion, degeneration and lysis.
  • Prevents liver steatosis.
  • Cholagogue and choleretic action. Fosters bile formation and excretion.
  • Prevents enzymatic dispersion by protecting the cell membranes of hepatocytes.
  • Prevents hepatic degeneration caused by exposure to toxins, infection or drugs.
  • It acts at both levels of liver function: it is a detoxifier at a reticuloendothelial system level (macrophages), and it stimulates and protects the glandular function of the liver through the hepatocyte.
Special Line

6A Cream

1 APPLICATION, 6 ACTIONS: antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, analgesic, antiallergic and antipruritic.

The largest and best combination of therapeutic actions for skin lesions.

This cream, which has an evanescent composition with high water content, moisturizes the skin ensuring a quick evaporation with no lumps, which facilitates its application. Its active ingredients absorb easily, they do not leave stains and have a quick effect on the lesion.


Neomycin Sulfate
0,25 grams + Bacitracin Zinc
50,000 UI

Its antibiotic effect covers a broad spectrum of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, common in skin and mucosal lesions.

0.025 grams

It has anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and antiphlogistic effects. It inhibits mediators of local allergic reactions such as histamine and leukotrienes.

1.00 grams

Analgesic, local anesthetic and antipruritic. It eliminates pain by interrupting peripheral nerve endings transmission.

Micronized Griseofulvin
0.18 grams

Provides effective antifungal control.


Indicated for all skin lesion, whether infected or not. Pruritic lesions. All non-viral and non-tuberculous dermatitis. Tinea. Moist and dry eczema of known or idiopathic origin. It can be placed in surgical wounds since it promotes good healing. Especially indicated for lesions of the back caused by saddles, dermatophilosis, pastern wounds and all lesions which are likely to get infected.

Posology and method of administration

Apply a thin layer on the lesions, 2 to 4 times a day. Duration of treatment must be decided according to professional criteria.


100 grams tube.


Valentín Gomez 151
Parque Industrial Morón (B1706JIO)
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Tel: +54 (11) 7090-2740
[email protected]

ISO 9001:2015
Normas GMP
GMP Standards
ISO 14001:2015
Data Fiscal